Seasons greetings…and all that stuff!

Is it just me or did 2018 just rush past with a woosh leaving everyone wondering where the year went?

Like many people, this has been a big year for me, from officially opening the doors of my Nutritional Medicine clinic in February through to the deepening focus on workplace wellbeing and in particular, the silent epidemic that is occupational burnout. I am planning some wonderful programs and events that will be launched in January so keep an eye out for that in your mailbox or on social media. In the meantime I’m really looking forward to some well earned down time with the family and lots of festive food.

I hope that you are able to take some time out of your busy schedules to rest, recharge and ready yourself for a great year ahead. While anytime of year is a good time to reflect and reset, the end of the year is especially good to remember all the things we can be grateful for and set intentions for the next few months, if not the year ahead. If you would like to get the jump on your commitment to improving your health and wellbeing or you’d like to give the gift of health to a friend or loved one, then it’s the perfect time to secure an early bird rate on the Live Light | Love Life Program.

December is definitely a wind down time and I will officially be out of the office from Friday 21st December returning on Monday 7th January.

So from me and my family I wish you and your family a very happy and safe Christmas and a healthy New Year.


Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn