Natural Medicine Week 2020

This week we celebrate Natural Medicine Week and I’ll be sharing stories about me, my practice and the benefits of natural medicine. In this article, I share what natural medicine is, types or modalities of natural medicine, the principles of natural medicine and why I love being a natural medicine practitioner.

What is natural medicine? 

In a nutshell, it’s a holistic approach to wellness that incorporates mind, body and emotional techniques to bring us back into balance.  The foundations of natural medicine are based on nutrition and lifestyle approaches to health and providing an environment and the right ingredients to allow the body to heal and thrive. 

As a natural medicine practitioner, my focus is on evidence-based nutritional medicine using food, rather than pharmaceuticals, to support, manage and treat dis-eases of the mind and body.  Other natural medicines include other ingestive therapies such as herbal medicine, Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine, along with bodywork therapies like acupuncture, reflexology, massage, osteopathy, remedial massage, chiropractic and aromatherapy.

 Natural Medicine Principles

Image: Paula Brennan Photography

Image: Paula Brennan Photography

The principles of natural medicine include:

·       The healing power of nature and trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself

·       Identifying and treating the cause, looking beyond symptoms and trying to find the root cause

·       First do no harm using the most natural, least invasive and least toxic treatment therapies

·       Doctor as a teacher where we educate our patients on how to achieve and maintain health

·       Treating the whole person and seeing the body as an integrated whole

·       Focusing on overall health, wellbeing and disease prevention

 Modality – Nutritional Medicine

As a Nutritional Medicine practitioner, I use a patient-centred (vs disease centred) approach that integrates traditional healing, ancient wisdom, and cutting-edge science.  When working with my patients I understand that everyone is unique, with different genetics and biochemical makeups.  One treatment does not fit all; each person receives a personalised plan that is designed to help them reduce stress, increase vitality and live with ease.

One of the things I love about my profession is that I get to help people improve their lives, not just their health condition.  Because of my background in human behaviour, I work with clients to educate, encourage and empower them to have a better understanding of themselves so they can take control of their healing journey.

Want to take control of your health journey?  Book in for an obligation free Discovery Session where we will discuss your health and wellbeing concerns, your goals, and how I can assist you to improve your health, happiness and performance.