Is your resilience bank account in overdraft?


Hands up if you are a people leader or someone that supports people leaders in your business?

Now keep your hand up if you feel like your resilience bank account has been drained and is in overdraft?

Being a people leader is a tough gig and this year it's been even tougher. Along with trying to manage customer expectations, reduced revenue, and the usual operational challenges, the external environment threw even more challenges at you.

You've been managing your teams remotely, trying to balance homeschooling with zoom calls, spending far too much time sitting at your desk, and the only exercise you've been getting is the walk to the fridge and back! Is it any wonder you are feeling tired, foggy, heavier and emotionally drained?

Now more than ever you need to find new ways to support yourself so that you have the energy to support your team AND have enough left in the tank to be there for your family at the end of the day. In order to lead others, the key is to understand and lead yourself.

In my practice, I work with leaders that are so depleted from giving to others all the time they can't remember how to give to themselves. They are not only emotionally depleted, have nutrient deficiencies, aren't sleeping well, and wake up tired and un-refreshed. They are overreactive, sensitive, cynical and have a constant sense of overwhelm. They tolerate and push through digestive issues, recurrent headaches and migraines, and have lost their zest for life.

Tell me, how on earth are you expected to lead your team and support your family when all that is going on? The answer is, very poorly.

As a leader you want to feel strong, resilient and capable not tired, depleted and suffering from imposter syndrome. It's time to stop, take stock and recharge. It's time to make a deposit into your resilience bank account.

I've collaborated with very smart and experienced communication and mindset coach, Trish Everett from Weave, to bring you a program designed to replenish your physical health while helping you to understand your leadership style, unleash your strengths, release your stress, and build your resilience.

We are inviting leaders, business owners, and organisational influencers the opportunity to beta test the program that launches on 13 November. I've been running a similar program within organisations and the feedback we are getting is incredibly positive. Participants are saying they are learning so much about themselves, they are making better decisions, feeling more energised, sleeping better, and able to cope with life's challenges.

Want to find out more? Check out the link or book a time to have a 1:1 chat.

Mary-Leigh is a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Performance Specialist and Transformational Coach that brings vitality and productivity into the workplace through cutting edge wellbeing, leadership and employee experience solutions.  She has dedicated over 25 years to the welfare and wellbeing of others and works with high performing organisations who understand the importance of happier, healthier, engaged employees.