Unlocking Optimal Health: Transform Your Life Through Sustainable Change

Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn Nutritional Medicine Practitioner

Making lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle is a journey that requires commitment and persistence. As both science and personal experience reveal, achieving optimal health isn’t an overnight process—it’s about consistent effort and ongoing support.

I use a program-based model that empowers you to thrive. Here’s how it works:

  • Personalised Recommendations: I tailor my approach to your unique situation. Through comprehensive assessments, I create the best possible recommendations for you.

  • Guidance and Support: As your practitioner, coach, and personal cheer squad, I’m here for you every step of the way. I coach, support, and mentor you, making necessary adjustments as you progress.

  • Program Flexibility: Choose from programs lasting 4 weeks to 6 months. Whether you prefer weekly or fortnightly check-ins, I’ve got you covered.

Why to I use this approach? You didn’t get sick and tired overnight and true healing isn’t a quick fix. It’s about addressing the root causes of your fatigue, inflammation, chronic dis-ease, or weight issues. While supplements and a few nutritional suggestions can provide short-term relief, they won’t lead to lasting change. My goal for you is sustainable, effortless transformation.

Ready to Begin? Here’s How:

  • Discovery Call: Let’s connect! During a discovery call, we’ll discuss your goals, answer your questions, and determine if we’re a good fit. It’s a two-way application process—I’m as invested in working with you as you are with me.

  • Simple and Convenient: My online tele-health system ensures hassle-free appointments. No need to leave work early or deal with traffic and parking. As long as you have an internet connection and a smartphone or desktop, you’re all set.

  • Booking Made Easy: Use my patient management system, Practice Better, to schedule and move appointments. You can even download the app for added convenience. Plus, I offer flexible payment plans to make my programs affordable over time.

Don’t wait—take the first step toward a healthier you. It costs nothing to inquire, and it could be the best decision you make this year.


Women’s Health Week 2024 “Your Voice. Your Choice.”


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