Nutritional Medicine Consultations

Appointment times are limited. My clinical books are currently open but spaces fill up fast.
All individual consultations are by appointment only and are conducted online using a secure tele-health system.

Tuesday | Thursday |2nd and 4th Saturday of the month

You are required to pay for your consultation at the time of booking. See below for cancellation terms and conditions.

Individual Appointments

Initial consultation - up to 60 minutes $180

Initial consultation - up to 90 minutes $270 (recommended for complex cases)

Follow up consultation - up to 30 minutes - $90

Follow up consultation - up to 60 minutes - $180 (recommended for complex cases)


Package Deals

6 sessions up to 30 minutes each $480

10 sessions up to 60 minutes each $1500

Cancellation policy

I understand that life can be unpredictable and you may not always be able to make your scheduled appointment. If you can’t make an appointment please amend/cancel your booking or contact me via Practice Better (the online booking and patient management system) at least 24 hours prior to avoid cancellation fees. Missed appointments or appointments cancelled within 24 hours will be charged at the normal consultation fee.