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Do your teams have the guts to be high performing?

High performing organisations need high performing staff; that’s just a given nowadays.  But did you know that one of the ways we can assist our people to be high performing is to make sure they have a healthy gut?

To have the capacity to be creative, solution oriented, innovative and resilient we need good brain function and if you want a brain that functions optimally, the best place to start is the gut. Although it may not be apparent at first, the gut and brain are very closely linked.  Good gut health naturally supports your mood, cognition and mental performance.

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Nutrition, Sleep, Workplace Wellbeing Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn Nutrition, Sleep, Workplace Wellbeing Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn

It's time to supercharge your brain; how to eat for optimal brain function.

The food that we eat can influence how the brain operates. Some foods can interfere with how the brain works. However, if you focus your diet on the nutrients that the brain needs, you can support optimal brain function improving your cognition, mood, sleep, creativity and innovation.

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