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Lifestyle Management Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn Lifestyle Management Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn

The Gen-X Burnout Crisis: Understanding and Addressing the Impact

As we continue to explore the theme of “Your Voice. Your Choice.” during Women’s Health Week, I feel it’s crucial to delve deeper into the issue of burnout among Gen-X women.

Burnout rates for women in Australia and New Zealand have been a growing concern, especially in recent years. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics and research institutions like Auckland University of Technology and Health Roundtable, 46% of women report experiencing and feeling burn out.

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Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn

Women’s Health Week 2024 “Your Voice. Your Choice.”

It’s Women’s Health Week from 2 – 6 September, and this year’s theme is “Your Voice. Your Choice.”

 To me, “Your Voice. Your Choice.” is about the importance of women feeling seen and heard by medical professionals. It’s a call to action for women to advocate for their health and well-being.

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